Tag Archives: novices

23 Nov

Simple Auto Repair Advice Made For Novices

Owning a car is quite a freedom. You can go anywhere and do anything you want, whenever you want. Of course, this means that your car can break down at the most inconvenient time, leaving you stranded by the side of the road. The tips in this article are going to help you to get your car back into great shape.

When you take your car to the shop, ask plenty of questions about your vehicle. Ask what caused your problem in the first place to avoid the issue happening in the future. Preventing issues with your vehicle is an excellent way to save money.

Monitor your radiator. You need to allow your car to run for a couple of minutes, shut down the engine and then open up the hood. Never open the radiator on a running car. Look at the coolant you have in your radiator by checking …